Tambuzi’s David Austin Roses on the Queen’s Barge

3 Jun 2012
We are proud to have had some of our special roses on the Queen’s Barge on the 3rd June 2012.
Our farm, which is Kenya flower council Gold certified as an indication of our Social and Environmental standards, is very close to the church in Naromoru where the Queen went to pray 60 years ago upon learning of her succession to the throne. The roses from our farm were a crimson David Austin Rose called Darcey and a cream rose called Patience.
The Royal barge was decked out with nearly 10,000 flowers and 600 plants as it carried the Queen down the Thames on the Jubilee Pageant on Sunday 3rd June.
The floral extravaganza, made up of 4,000 red carnations, 2,100 Darcey roses, 1,000 Patience roses and 500 purple and red sweet peas, saw the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh surrounded by a sea of colour as they were transported along the river. Needless to say, the whole thing was spectacular and we are proud that we were able in some small way to add to the festivities.